Thursday, December 29, 2011

Evil Deadmau5

Ok so i managed after 2 weeks of work to finish the deadmau5 head! Got it shaped carved threaded and formed! all thats left is to cover the front with fabric, add the mouth and teeth!

Started to cover the front and added the mouth and teeth in. Pricked my fingers countless times getting the needles through the paper mache which is harder than it looks.... so far i like how its going

Finished that and started to hot clue the fabric to the paper mache. Had to cut it a coupletimes to not get any creases in the fabric. after 2 hours i got the head completely covered and finished! enjoy!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

MOAR KISS paintings

my dad decided he wanted another painting to go with the one i made for his office... this time an album cover and out of ALLLLLLLLLLL the possibilities he had... he had to pick Destroyer...
The art on the cover is amazing in my opinion... its just i have no experience at all on drawing full body people. The first thing i had to do was sketch an idea of how i was going to place them on the canvas.. The cover is in a square shape like how many Vinyl records are. The canvas is a rectangle... took some time to get the size right but i figured it out.        somehow the image got flipped... great.
After that i cut out the shape and traced it on the canvas to fill with the details. After that i started to do a basic black coat on the group to see how many layers of paint i would need. luckily only2 layers of black were needed to get the right color. Drawing the scale pattern on Gene Simmons boots was a real pain to get right...

Once that was done i began to sketch the rocky base theyre jumping off. That was also given a black base coat to get the shadow.

After that, i began painting the brown and trying to get the colors right on the costumes. The details on all of them were a pain to paint on but the outcome was fantastic. 
Once that was started the background needed to be done... a hard lesson learned, never use watercolor on canvas... it just looks bad

and now here i stand, fixed the watercolor mess and just trying to get it done... On the bright side i started the Deadmau5 head again to try and do it right.. Wish me luck on both!  also thinking of making a facebook page... let me know what you guys think  yes or no